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Oxetta Report Objects

Oxetta Report object represents the entire report and has the following properties:

File Name

Report file name with full path. This property is read-only and is filled by Oxetta automatically when you load or save a report file whithin the designer application


Report title that will be displayed in the Print Preview dialog and used as the name of the print job when printing the report

Page Orientation

May be one of the following values: Portrait or Landscape. For non-square rectangular paper types such as LETTER Portrait orientation means that you are printing on paper having the longer side of the paper sheet vertically, and in Landscape you have the paper sheet longer side horizontally.

Paper Size

Height and width of the paper sheet in millimeters; the longer side length goes first.

Database Type

Can be one of the following values: None, ODBC and SQLite. If you will set this property to None, the reporting engine will expect your application to provide the data required to print report thru callback functions. If you will set this property to SQLite, Oxetta will use the built-in ability to access your SQLite database to get the report data. If you will set this property to ODBC, reporting engine will use ODBC to access the database

Database connection string

For the reports that have the Database Type property set to SQLite, the name of the database file with or without path. If the full path is not specified in this property, Oxetta will look for the database file in the folder where OXETTA.DLL file is placed.

For the reports that have Database Type property set to ODBC, the ODBC connection string used to connect to the database, e.g. "DSN=SomeDsnName".

For the reports that have Database Type property set to None, this property is ignored and never used.

Next article: Standard Band Properties
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